Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Salsa, Stinky Pits, and Sean.

It's been a while since I've blogged. There have been lots of tiny random things to talk about, but nothing major. I thought I'd jot down a few of them before I completely move into the March frame of mind...

  • Salsa does not float in the bath tub. In fact, the veggies immediately sink while the tomato sauce disperses into the water. The entire experience suggests that future Corona/salsa experiences should be attempted on dry land.

  • Men should not wear sleeveless t-shirts to the gym-- EVER. Face it, men smell bad when they exercise and the "open pit" option should be discouraged. That small bit of sleeve does wonders for odor absorption. I also think that men who wear sleeveless t-shirts at the gym are only showing off their arms for the other men. (The women could care less-- we only care about the smell.) NOTE TO MEN: COVER YOUR PITS, STINKERS!

  • Note to the guy with the sleeveless black shirt who persists on using the treadmill next to me every time I go to the gym: no matter how much AXE or DialBodyWashForMen you're using, it's still not covering up your stinky arm pits (see above). Go away.

  • Daniel Craig, the newest James Bond, is a hottie! Yum yum yum! I'm afraid he's taken second place in the "Who Is The Best James Bond" list. Following Sean Connery, of course. Please do not mention Roger Moore (nice hairpiece!) or George Lazenby (hot in a kilt, but couldn't act his way out of a box) in the same breath as Sean or Daniel. YumX2.

Ok. Those are some of my abbreviated ramblings. I'm hoping to get back on track for March and do more blogging. I'm off to a bingo game this weekend (charity), and I hope to clean up!

Does anyone have any hot plans for their weekend? Bingo must be tame in comparison...


Anonymous said...

I agree with all your points, of course.

I have a BIG ADVENTURE planned for this weekend. It does not include Bingo. More on that later. --xoxo--S

elizabeth said...

I don't know. I'd have to get a vote in for Timothy Dalton. He was pretty hot and much truer to the books than many Bonds.