Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Have 'thank-you' notes gone out of style? Is a telephone call offering appreciation now considered dated? I must be one of the last folks to say BRING BACK GOOD MANNERS!

Do I sound like a frenzied Ms. Manners?

Three weeks ago, I mailed off two boxes: one to a relative, one to a daughter of my mom's friend. Inside those boxes were nice, clean, gently-used clothes and books. Within days of mailing out both boxes, the daughter (a woman I've met only once, but like very much) emailed me a long note thanking me for my troubles and chatting on about how the items would be used. I appreciated the email; it told me that my box had made it to its destination and that the items were wanted and needed.

My relative has not contacted me in any way.

I have grumbled about this to The Illustrated Librarian. She agrees with me in that this relative and his wife are not deserving of any more boxes. To quote TIL, "Fuck them!" (I can always count on TIL to give me an honest opinion! XOXO.) This was not a box of cheap crap. It was filled with expensive clothing and books.

This is not the first time gifts to these ingrates have gone without thanks. I am also including birthday and Christmas gifts in my list of grumbles. As far as I'm concerned, these folks are now persona non grata on my gift-giving list. Just like Pete Rose, they're banned for life.

It's not that I expect them to grovel and kiss my hand for sending them a box of stuff. I would just like an acknowledgment of my time and efforts spent putting it together and mailing it to them. Or just a 'heads up' that the items arrived. Something. ANYTHING. If they no longer want boxes sent to them, they should let me know that as well.

Am I being too much of a snark about this?

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