Friday, August 17, 2007

Toxic Movie Relationships

There are certain movies I can't help but watch. Even if they are 20 minutes away from the closing credits, I'll focus my attention on them and get sucked in to the story.

These are NOT award winners.

These aren't even good movies!

These movies are awful and sucky and have some major plot problems.

I can't help it. They suck me into their vortex of mediocrity every time.

Maybe I need an intervention? Should I start a survivor's group?

The horrible, no-good movies are:

  • "Meet Joe Black" starring Sir Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt

  • "City of Angels" starring Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan

Unfortunately for me, they were BOTH showing on AMC this week, and I happened to flip channels... saw the movie... paused in fascinated horror... and into the vortex I go. By the end of both movies, I'm sniffling and sobbing into a tattered Kleenex and feeling my nose turn pink and unattractive. WHY, OH WHY? "Meet Joe Black" is way too long and Brad Pitt's self-absorbed acting isn't augmented by his stunning good looks. "City of Angels" has (ugh!) Meg Ryan and Nic Cage isn't my type at all, although I enjoy his acting most of the time.

Do you have an AWFUL MOVIE ADMISSION? Is there a truly crappy movie that you just can't help but watch, over and over? Is is just ME?????

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